Shaktpat is the fastest path to Realization

Friday, April 22

Private Workshops

“From beginning meditation to Realization.”

Enjoy developing your healing, meditation & psychic skills one on one with compassionate, highly skilled teachers. Learning individually at your own pace & level enables rapid development. Choose any one day workshop below. Call Richard at 9381-5919 to schedule a convenient time. Pay only $380. Receive 4 free Yoga sessions with Valencia at Yoga Inn as a bonus.

1.      1. Healing Love I
In this basic skills course, you learn how to use your mind to observe, control and transform energy. Love’s ability to change the emotions of anger, sadness and fear into love is emphasized. You’ll become able to balance Yin/Yang, draw energy from any power source in the Universe, ground and protect yourself and many other highly useful skills. You also gain an understanding of how to work in the human energy system and how our Universe is ordered from an energy perspective.

2.      2. Healing Love II
In this advanced healing course you receive empowerments to The Source for White Light and to Emptiness –the birthplace of all energies. You’ll learn how to recharge Life Force power, retrieve and heal Souls, transform demons and black magic, work with past lives and much more. The Micro Cosmic Orbit and a simple breathing exercise turn your body into an enormously powerful energy generator for doing healing work.

3.      3. Creating Abundance
Opening and energizing your center of creativity will enable you to create abundance in all areas of your life. Abundance is about a lot more than money. Who wouldn’t want a greater abundance of love, free time or success in your chosen area?

You will receive an empowerment to open your creative center, a meditation and a sacred mantra to chant that enables you merge with the Universal field of creativity. You can  use this energy field to manifest what you want. You will also learn how to develop a creative plan to bring the energy into physical reality. Learning to use oracles will let you see if your plan will work. A Magikal rite will focus the energy on your desired outcome.

4.      4. Space Clearing
A safe, clean, energized place to do your work in is essential for rapid Spiritual progress. It also makes everything go well in home life, the office or in your business. If the area around you feels incredibly good, so will everyone entering your “space.”

You’ll learn how to use energy, crystals, incense, and herbs to clear unwanted energies that affect you and everyone else. You can then fill your space with positive Love to enhance relationships, increase business and make life flow more smoothly.

5. Psychic Skills
Lifelong psychic Shaman Remedia empowers your natural psychic abilities. Richard guides you through easy, step by step exercises to awaken your Third Eye. You will receive initiations and do hands on exercises that:
Open your Third Eye with the powers of fire & pure gold.
Enable you to work with Heaven & Earth energy.
Awaken Love in your heart.
Give you Sacred symbols to guide & control psychic energy.
Let you see/feel Auras, Chakras, Channels, Connections, Psychic & Emotional Attack, Spirits, Past Lives, future possibilities & more.

6.      6. Past Lives
Your millions of past lives stretch out behind you into the infinite depths of time. The ones you did well in glow with brilliant colors and patterns. Lives you made mistakes in are dark and murky. Unresolved issues in them slow Spiritual progress and can cause problems in daily life.

A simple, very effective empowerment, a set of symbols and some practice will enable you to see/feel and heal past life issues for yourself and others. This is an invaluable skill for healers, teachers and all who desire rapid Spiritual progress for themselves.

7.      7. Mystic Temple
You have a personal Mystic Temple. We all do. It’s on the Astral Planes. Find, remember and recreate your private self healing sanctuary.You’ll learn to Astral Travel, remember Astral places, create Astral structures and meld with Astral beings (Astral sex).
You’ll also receive a Love empowerment, a White Light empowerment, a Portal creation initiation and Astral structure creation guidance.
Mystic Temples all have some common features that owners personalize. At the entrance is a self cleansing/healing station. Inside is a workspace for meditation, creating and doing energy work. Deeper is a storage area containing all the Love, talents and abilities you’ve accumulated over countless lifetimes. A library gives you access to Universal wisdom and knowledge. A power generator lets you send energy anywhere in the Universe.
      8. Kundalini
Kundalini is among the most powerful energy exercises available. It has been used successfully in India for thousands of years to access the deepest states of meditation. Regular practice provides many benefits and can take you through to complete realization.

Perhaps the greatest benefit is simply a vastly increased sense of well being. A feeling of complete normalcy is common. Increased energy levels for daily activities and greater mental alertness can also be experienced. Higher states of meditation become easier to access.

Liquid, golden Kundalini energy lies at the base of your spine in your sacrum. It rises up the hollow tube in the center of your spinal cord. As it rises, it fills each chakra in turn until it bursts out of the top of your head and spills down over your body to form a golden “second skin” of energy that protects and empowers you.

Practicing Kundalini expands your consciousness by expanding your chakras so that they can process more energy. Kundalini energy cleanses, expands and energizes each chakra. This increases your awareness. You become able to “see” more of reality.

9. Light Fields
Dissolve yor physical body into pure light so that you never experience death. You can become a fully conscious, realized, immortal being of pure light, living in bliss. Rotating fields of light purify, transform and realign your sub atomic structures, bringing optimal health and well being to all your bodies. Counter rotating fields propel you into Emptiness, where your ego dies. You become Realized, able to see and work in Reality. You will learn these transforming exercises:
White Tornado cleanses all your bodies, bringing optimal health and well being on all levels.

Counter Rotating Fields propel your being into another dimension where the deepest states of meditation become easily accessible to you.

Rainbow Dorje is the third level. You become a rainbow of light that explodes out of your abdomen to light up all around you.

Cold Blue Flame allows you to pack energy so densely that it ripples like flame. You become able to use unlimited amounts of energy without burning anyone.

     10. Amrita: The Elixir of Immortality
You will have the magical power of Amrita, the fabled ambrosia of immortality contained in Kwan Yin’s crystal chalice.  You get the penetrating energy of the chalice that clears ignorance and defilements and Amrita, the pure power of the Goddess of Mercy.
The following initiations will also be given:

Kwan Yin: You become the Goddess of Mercy.
Kwan Yin’s Foot Lotus  is pure Shakti, the finest, most basic energy in our Universe. Shakti powers Kwan Yin. You will be able to stand on the Lotus in Shakti power to create reality.
Kwan Yin’s Heart Lotus enables you to live in Kwan Yin’s blissful Love.
The Heart Cloud floats above the Heart Lotus. It contains seven different colored crystals that you can put into others to initiate healing.
The Chamber is a meditation using Amrita to clear all past life issues and unwanted present negative behaviors. You then step into a place of simply being in that ever present now, generating Golden Love that flows out to all.
     11. Rainbow Light Body
You can have a pure light body to dwell in immortally. Richard & Shaman Remedia, will guide you through the process of creating a rainbow body of light for your consciousness to dwell in eternally. You will be guided through these initiations and meditations to create your Rainbow Body

The Rainbow Tree grows up the center of your body out of Shakti energy. Its trunk powers you; its leaves protect you; its fruit grants you abilities that you can pass on to others.
The Gold Diamond in your forehead connects you to the same diamond out in the Universe that all realized teachers draw teachings from.
Shakti is the basic energy that everything in our Universe is created from. You will stand in Shakti power to create your Rainbow Body. You become able to build real, eternal structures.
The Mirror Mind initiation allows you to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts before they manifest into reality.

1    12.  Rainbow Heaven
The realm of enlightened beings is a central gathering place for spiritual beings who have broken the cycle of life, death and rebirth to live eternally. You can travel to this place to converse with and learn from them. Your Heart Teacher is here among the Prophets, Buddhas, Ascended Masters, Guides, Angels and the newly enlightened.