Shaktpat is the fastest path to Realization

Monday, March 21

Singapore Extension

We've decided to postpone our Hong Kong trip and stay on in Singapore for two more weeks
We'll be doing private sessions and a Past Lives Seminar April 2&3, Then off to Kuala Lumpur April 4.

Past Lives Seminar
Past Life reading & clearing can be learned by anyone with a basic energy or meditation practice.  You’ll receive guided meditations & initiations that open your ability to see/feel the millions of past lives that stretch back behind us to our Source. You’ll also learn how to identify issues affecting you or your client now, cleanse the negative energies and remember and enhance forgotten talents & abilities.
$299 Sat-Sun April 2&3 2-7 PM

Past Lives
Past life work is very beneficial and interesting for both clients and practitioners. All of us have many past lives. Some have been “good.” Some have been “bad.” Most have been a mix. All have been learning experiences that have brought the person to their present ability to actually be on a Spiritual path.

Interestingly, good lives often create bigger problems than difficult ones as the person seeks to recreate that beautiful life over and over again instead of focusing on their present, different experience. The same can be true of good relationships. People want to find their perfect soul mate to enjoy the happiness once experienced instead of focusing on the lessons they are learning from present relationships.

Past lives can be connected into in many ways. Past life regression uses states of deep relaxation to remember individual lifetimes. It’s also possible to connect to a life by holding your hand over a chronic pain, injury or birthmark and going deep into the energies that surround it to get feelings or visions.

This workshop uses a very different method.

Everyone has a cord of energy attached to their back between their shoulders over the heart chakra. This cord goes back through time to the Source, where the person came from. It contains all past lives. Some of you will see the outside of the cord first, some the inside, others will simply feel the energy.

The cord is divided into sections –one for each life time. Some sections are full of beautiful colors and patterns. In this life good progress was made. Some lives are dark or the section is shriveled. Here difficulties were experienced. Often a bright section will have dark spots indicating issues that need work.

You will receive an initiation that will allow you to see/feel the cord, an empowerment to an energy that will clear and heal dark areas, a set of symbols to help you use the energy and a lot of hands on practice..

Tuesday, March 1

March In Singapore

Remedia and I both found the transition from India to Singapore more difficult this time. In India being in the Divine is natural. In Singapore we feel besieged by busyness, advertising, sex, TV and the multiplicity of a modern city.
I really didn't want to leave India. I felt very strongly that I simply wanted to stay in an Ashram in meditation. I now understand what Kaveeta meant when she predicted that I would like Ashram life so much that I'll never come out once I go in.
We have many new workshops that focus on developing the skills needed to build a light body to dwell in eternally. The new workshops on our remaining weekends in Singapore are below.

Psychic Abilities Workshop

Lifelong psychic Shaman Remedia will empower your natural psychic abilities. Richard will guide you through easy, step by step exercises that awaken your Third Eye.
You will receive initiations and do hands on exercises to:
1O    Open your Third Eye with a fire ceremony & pure gold.
2.          Work with Heaven & Earth energy.
3.         Awaken Love in your heart.
4.         Use Sacred symbols to guide & control psychic energy.
5.          See/feel Auras, Chakras, Channels, Connections, Psychic & Emotional Attack, Spirits, Past Lives & more.

2-7 PM Sat & Sun March 12 & 13
Investment $249
Yoga Inn, 26A Waterloo St.  Tel. 9381-5919

Astral Travel & Mystic Temple Workshop

You have a personal Mystic Temple.
We all do It’s on the Astral Planes. Find, remember and recreate yours.

In this two day workshop, you’ll learn to:
  1. Astral Travel
  2. Remember Astral places
  3. Create Astral structures
  4. Meld with Astral friends (Astral sex)
You’ll receive: 
  1. Love empowerment
  2. White Light empowerment
  3. Portal creation initiation
  4. Astral structure creation

2-7 PM Sat & Sun March 19 & 20
Investment $249
Yoga Inn, 26A Waterloo St.  Tel. 9381-5919  

Private Sessions

Aura & Chakra Readings

Richard & Remedia’s most popular service. It includes a detailed analysis of your entire energy system, emotions, internal organs and palms. You will receive exactly the information you need to guide your Spiritual growth.

v  Knowing about your past lives can help you understand your present life.
v  Make better choices by understanding your life purpose and hidden talents.
v  Knowing your future possibilities will guide you to your most productive areas.
v  Stored anger, sadness and fear can cause illness and problems in your life.
v  Spirits of dead relatives or friends drain your energy and interfere in your life.
v  Negative karmas cause you to experience the suffering you’ve inflicted on others.
v  Emotional or psychic attacks and entities can block your success.

Ask Shaman Remedia any questions you have. She provides answers about Spiritual life, Relationships, Business, Career, Finance, Health and any other topic.

$180 1.5 Hours Please call 9381-5919

Healing Love/Cleansing Sessions

Remedia has been successful in helping people suffering from many chronic, untreatable medical conditions. She repairs, balances and recharges your energy system. Your body can then heal itself.  “Miraculous” healings sometimes occur, but it’s more common for them to take place over time.

She uses Healing Love to repair the damage caused by these energies after Richard clears them:


Ø  Disease
Ø  Impacted emotions
Ø  Karma
Ø  Emotional attack
Ø  Psychic attack
Ø  Entities
Ø  Spirits of the dead
Ø  Past life traumatic events

$180 1.5 Hours Please call 9381-5919